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Configure volar 2.0 (with typescript support)

Volar 2.0 has discontinued their "take over mode" which in previous version provided support for typescript in vue files. The new approach to get typescript support involves using the typescript language server along side volar. So here I'll show you the steps necessary to make the typescript language server (ts_ls) work in vue files.

Is worth mention the solution I'm about to show is not specific to lsp-zero. You can follow these steps even if you don't use lsp-zero.

"The trick"

At the heart of everything what you need to do is install the package @vue/typescript-plugin using npm and then configure the typescript language server to use it.

For mason.nvim there's a note at the end of the post. I recommend reading the whole post then do the steps.

NPM packages and where to install them...

We are going to install some packages using npm install -g.

But before you do anything, I recommend creating an .npmrc file in your home directory. So you can control where npm will install the packages. Something like this.


# note: these are example paths. replace them with a valid paths

Use the prefix and global-bin-dir options to tell npm where it should install the global packages. If you do this you don't have to worry about node version managers changing your paths.

After you have an .npmrc in your home directory with all the right options make sure global-bin-dir is included in your PATH environment variable.

NPM install

Now you can install the language server for typescript. Execute this command in your terminal.

npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server

And you install volar using this command.

npm install -g @vue/language-server

Since @vue/typescript-plugin is a dependency of @vue/language-server we don't have to specify it in the npm install command.

After you install these language servers is a good idea to check if Neovim "knows" where they are. For example, you can open Neovim and execute this command.

echo exepath('vue-language-server')

This should show you the path to the executable of vue-language-server. If it doesn't it means you need to setup your PATH environment variable properly. Make sure it contains the path where npm install the executables of global packages.

The typescript language server

Now it's time to go to our Neovim configuration.

So the way you I usually setup ts_ls is by calling the setup function of lspconfig. Like this.


There is where we need to add our new settings. We will add a lua table called init_options and inside that we add a plugins table.

  init_options = {
    plugins = {


Inside this plugins table we need to add the path where @vue/typescript-plugin is located. And here is where it gets tricky. The path would be something like this:

local vue_typescript_plugin = '/home/dev/.local/share/npm'
  .. '/lib/node_modules'
  .. '/@vue/language-server/node_modules'
  .. '/@vue/typescript-plugin'

But this first part /home/dev/.local/share/npm, you should replace it with the location of the "npm prefix" in your system. To get that information you can execute this command in your terminal.

npm config get prefix

After you figure out where is @vue/typescript-plugin you can add it to the plugins table of ts_ls.

local vue_typescript_plugin = '/home/dev/.local/share/npm'
  .. '/lib/node_modules'
  .. '/@vue/language-server/node_modules'
  .. '@vue/typescript-plugin'

  init_options = {
    plugins = {
        name = "@vue/typescript-plugin",
        location = vue_typescript_plugin,
        languages = {'javascript', 'typescript', 'vue'}

And the last detail we need to take care of is adding vue as a filetype supported by ts_ls.

local vue_typescript_plugin = '/home/dev/.local/share/npm'
  .. '/lib/node_modules'
  .. '/@vue/language-server/node_modules'
  .. '@vue/typescript-plugin'

  init_options = {
    plugins = {
        name = "@vue/typescript-plugin",
        location = vue_typescript_plugin,
        languages = {'javascript', 'typescript', 'vue'}
  filetypes = {

Don't forget about volar

After you are done with ts_ls you can just call the setup function for volar.


Note for mason.nvim users

You don't have to execute npm install -g, you can install volar with mason.nvim and then get the path to @vue/typescript-plugin with some utility functions.

You can define the variable vue_typescript_plugin like this.

local vue_typescript_plugin = require('mason-registry')
  .. '/node_modules/@vue/language-server'
  .. '/node_modules/@vue/typescript-plugin'

So the complete configuration code should be something like this.

  ensure_installed = {
  handlers = {
    volar = function()
    ts_ls = function()
      local vue_typescript_plugin = require('mason-registry')
        .. '/node_modules/@vue/language-server'
        .. '/node_modules/@vue/typescript-plugin'

        init_options = {
          plugins = {
              name = "@vue/typescript-plugin",
              location = vue_typescript_plugin,
              languages = {'javascript', 'typescript', 'vue'}
        filetypes = {