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You are reading the documentation for lsp-zero v2.x

What is lsp-zero?

The purpose of this plugin is to bundle all the "boilerplate code" necessary to have nvim-cmp (a popular autocompletion plugin) and nvim-lspconfig working together. And if you opt in, it can use mason.nvim to let you install language servers from inside neovim.

The goal is to reduce the boilerplate code needed to configure Neovim's LSP client and have autocompletion working.

What does it do?

lsp-zero's role is to make sure nvim-lspconfig, nvim-cmp and mason.nvim are setup correctly. These plugins are the ones that do the heavy lifting. lsp-zero "connects" them so you can have working setup with very little code.

How to get started?

If you are new to neovim and you don't have a configuration file (init.lua) follow this step by step tutorial.

If you know how to configure neovim go to the Getting started section.

Also consider you might not need lsp-zero.