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Setup copilot.lua + nvim-cmp

Notice I said .lua, I'm not talking about github/copilot.vim.

Disclaimer: I do not have access to copilot. I'm just repeating the instructions from the plugin zbirenbaum/copilot-cmp.

These are the step you should follow.

  1. Install the plugins zbirenbaum/copilot.lua and zbirenbaum/copilot-cmp.

  2. Call the setup function for copilot.lua.

  suggestion = {enabled = false},
  panel = {enabled = false},
  1. Once copilot started, run the command :Copilot auth to start the authentication process.

  2. Add the source in nvim-cmp.

local cmp = require('cmp')
local cmp_format = require('lsp-zero').cmp_format()

  sources = {
    {name = 'copilot'},
    {name = 'nvim_lsp'},
  mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({
    ['<CR>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({
      -- documentation says this is important.
      -- I don't know why.
      behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace,
      select = false,
  --- (Optional) Show source name in completion menu
  formatting = cmp_format,