LSP configuration
Default keymaps
Here's the description of the keymaps recommended in the getting started page:
: Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window. See :help vim.lsp.buf.hover().gd
: Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor. See :help vim.lsp.buf.definition().gD
: Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor. Some servers don't implement this feature. See :help vim.lsp.buf.declaration().gi
: Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window. See :help vim.lsp.buf.implementation().go
: Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor. See :help vim.lsp.buf.type_definition().gr
: Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window. See :help vim.lsp.buf.references().gs
: Displays signature information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window. See :help vim.lsp.buf.signature_help(). If a mapping already exists for this key this function is not bound.<F2>
: Renames all references to the symbol under the cursor. See :help vim.lsp.buf.rename().<F3>
: Format code in current buffer. See :help vim.lsp.buf.format().<F4>
: Selects a code action available at the current cursor position. See :help vim.lsp.buf.code_action().
Install new language servers
Manual install
You can find install instructions for each language server in lspconfig's documentation:
Via command
If you have mason.nvim and mason-lspconfig installed you can use the command :LspInstall
to install a language server. If you call this command while you are in a file it'll suggest a list of language server based on the type of that file.
Automatic installs
If you have mason.nvim and mason-lspconfig, you can instruct mason-lspconfig
to install the language servers you want using the option ensure_installed
The name of the language server you want to install must be on this list.
-- Replace the language servers listed here
-- with the ones you want to install
ensure_installed = {'lua_ls', 'rust_analyzer'},
handlers = {
We add a "default handler" to the handlers
option so we can get automatic setup for all the language servers installed with mason.nvim
Configure language servers
To pass arguments to a language server use the lua module lspconfig
single_file_support = false,
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
print('hello biome')
If you use mason-lspconfig
handlers to manage the setup of your language servers then you will need to add a custom handler. Here is an example.
handlers = {
-- this first function is the "default handler"
-- it applies to every language server without a "custom handler"
-- this is the "custom handler" for `biome`
biome = function()
single_file_support = false,
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
print('hello biome')
Notice in handlers
there is a new property with the name of the language server and it has a function assign to it. That is where you configure the language server.
Disable semantic highlights
Since Neovim v0.9 a language server can apply new highlights to your code, this is known as semantic tokens. This new feature is enabled by default. To disable it we need to modify the server_capabilities
property of the language server, more specifically we need to "delete" the semanticTokensProvider
We can disable this new feature in every server whenever they attach to a buffer.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(event)
local id = vim.tbl_get(event, 'data', 'client_id')
local client = id and vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(id)
if client == nil then
-- Disable semantic highlights
client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil
If you just want to disable it for a particular server, use lspconfig to assign the on_attach
hook to that server.
on_attach = function(client)
client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil
Disable formatting capabilities
Sometimes you might want to prevent Neovim from using a language server as a formatter. For this you can use the on_attach
hook to modify the client instance.
on_attach = function(client)
client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = false
client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingRangeProvider = false
Custom servers
You can add the configuration to the module lspconfig.configs
then you can call the .setup()
But before doing anything, make sure the server you want to add is not supported by lspconfig
. Read the list of supported language servers.
You'll need to provide the command that starts the language server, a list of filetypes where you want to attach the language server, and a function that detects the "root directory" of the project.
local lsp_configurations = require('lspconfig.configs')
if not lsp_configurations.name_of_my_lsp then
lsp_configurations.name_of_my_lsp = {
default_config = {
cmd = {'command-that-start-the-lsp'},
filetypes = {'my-filetype'},
root_dir = require('lspconfig.util').root_pattern('some-config-file')
expects a list of files. The files that you list there should help lspconfig
identify the root of your project.
Enable Format on save
You can setup an autocommand that triggers vim.lsp.buf.format() on the event BufWritePre
When you enable format on save your language server is doing the formatting. The language server does not share the same style configuration as Neovim. Tabs and indents can change after the language server formats the code in the file. Read the documentation of the language server you are using, figure out how to configure it to your prefered style.
local buffer_autoformat = function(bufnr)
local group = 'lsp_autoformat'
vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(group, {clear = false})
vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({group = group, buffer = bufnr})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWritePre', {
buffer = bufnr,
group = group,
desc = 'LSP format on save',
callback = function()
-- note: do not enable async formatting
vim.lsp.buf.format({async = false, timeout_ms = 10000})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(event)
local id = vim.tbl_get(event, 'data', 'client_id')
local client = id and vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(id)
if client == nil then
-- make sure there is at least one client with formatting capabilities
if client.supports_method('textDocument/formatting') then
Note that when you have multiple servers active in one file it'll try to format using all of them.
If you need to save the file without formatting you can create a command that executes the write
command and skips all autocommands.
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Write', 'noautocmd write', {})
If you want more advanced features like asynchronous autoformatting or the ability to toggle the autoformat on demand, you can use the plugin lsp-format.nvim.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(event)
local id = vim.tbl_get(event, 'data', 'client_id')
local client = id and vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(id)
if client == nil then
-- make sure you use clients with formatting capabilities
-- otherwise you'll get a warning message
if client.supports_method('textDocument/formatting') then
Format using a keybinding
You'll want to bind the function vim.lsp.buf.format() to a keymap. The next example will create a keymap gq
to format the current buffer using all active servers with formatting capabilities.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(event)
local opts = {buffer = event.buf}
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, 'gq', function()
vim.lsp.buf.format({async = false, timeout_ms = 10000})
end, opts)
If you want to allow only a list of servers, use the filter
option. You can create a function that compares the current server with a list of allowed servers.
local allow_format = function(servers)
return function(client) return vim.tbl_contains(servers, end
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(event)
local opts = {buffer = event.buf}
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, 'gq', function()
async = false,
timeout_ms = 10000,
filter = allow_format({'lua_ls', 'rust_analyzer'})
end, opts)
How to format file using [tool]?
Where [tool]
can be prettier or black or stylua or any command line tool that was create before the LSP protocol existed.
Short answer: You need some sort of adapter. Another plugin or a language server that can communicate with [tool]
Long answer: Your question should be more specific to Neovim and not lsp-zero. You should be looking for "how to make vim.lsp.buf.format() use [tool]
?" And once you know how to do that you can use one of lsp-zero helper functions... or just vim.lsp.buf.format()
If you really want to integrate that command line tool with Neovim's LSP client, these are your options:
Personally, I would use a plugin that communicates directly with the CLI tool. Here are a few options:
If you are going that route and you are wondering which one to choose, use conform.nvim
. People say it's good. Don't think about it too much.
You can use the module vim.diagnostic to enable or disable diagnostic signs.
This is how you disable the diagnostic signs.
signs = false,
If you want to change the text content of the signs, use a table with the property text
and assign a string to each type of sign. Something like this.
signs = {
text = {
[vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR] = '✘',
[vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN] = '▲',
[vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT] = '⚑',
[vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO] = '»',