Formats the current buffer or range. Under the hood lsp-zero is using the function vim.lsp.buf.format()
. If the "bang" is provided formatting will be asynchronous (ex: LspZeroFormat!
). If you provide the name of a language server as a first argument it will try to format only using that server. Otherwise, it will use every active language server with formatting capabilities. With the timeout
parameter you can configure the time in milliseconds to wait for the response of the formatting requests.
Format buffer using all active language servers with formatting capabilities.
Format buffer using lua_ls
and set a timeout (in milliseconds).
:LspZeroFormat lua_ls timeout=1000
It takes a space separated list of servers and configures them. If the bang is provided the root directory will be set to the current working directory.
Setup the language servers for gleam and lua.
:LspZeroSetupServers gleam lua_ls
Setup the lua language server using the current working directory as the root directory.
:LspZeroSetupServers! lua_ls
Opens a split with the source code of the configuration for a language server. So you can inspect the requirements the language server needs to attach to a buffer. You'll be able to read what filetypes it needs and the config files it looks to detect the root directory.
:LspZeroViewConfigSource lua_ls
Remove current folder from the workspace folders. See :help vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder().
Add current folder the workspace folders. See :help vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder().
List workspace folders. See :help vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders().