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About nvim-cmp

The plugin responsable for autocompletion is nvim-cmp. nvim-cmp has a concept of "sources", these provide the actual data displayed in neovim. lsp-zero will configure the following sources if they are installed:

  • cmp-buffer: provides suggestions based on the current file.

  • cmp-path: gives completions based on the filesystem.

  • cmp_luasnip: it shows snippets in the suggestions.

  • cmp-nvim-lsp: show data send by the language server.

  • cmp-nvim-lua: provides completions based on neovim's lua api.

Default keybindings

Vim's defaults

  • <Ctrl-y>: Confirms selection.

  • <Ctrl-e>: Toggles the completion. (Okay, in vim the default just cancels the completion. I set it to toggle).

  • <Up>: Navigate to previous item on the list.

  • <Down>: Navigate to the next item on the list.

  • <Ctrl-p>: Navigate to previous item on the list.

  • <Ctrl-n>: Navigate to the next item on the list.

Added mappings

  • <Enter>: Confirms selection.

  • <Ctrl-u>: Scroll up in the item's documentation.

  • <Ctrl-f>: Scroll down in the item's documentation.

  • <Ctrl-d>: Go to the next placeholder in the snippet.

  • <Ctrl-b>: Go to the previous placeholder in the snippet.

  • <Tab>: Enables completion when the cursor is inside a word. If the completion menu is visible it will navigate to the next item in the list.

  • <S-Tab>: When the completion menu is visible navigate to the previous item in the list.

Override keybindings

The easiest way to modify the keybindings is using the mapping option of .setup_nvim_cmp().

You can get more details about the mapping option using the command :help cmp-mapping.

Start from scratch

If you want to start with Neovim's default and then add your own, use nvim-cmp's preset. Like this:

local lsp = require('lsp-zero').preset({
  name = 'minimal',
  set_lsp_keymaps = true,
  manage_nvim_cmp = true,
  suggest_lsp_servers = false,

local cmp = require('cmp')
local cmp_action = require('lsp-zero').cmp_action()

  mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({
    ['<C-Space>'] = cmp.mapping.complete(),
    ['<C-u>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
    ['<C-d>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),
    ['<C-f>'] = cmp_action.luasnip_jump_forward(),
    ['<C-b>'] = cmp_action.luasnip_jump_backward(),


Note: .cmp_action() has methods you can use as mappings in nvim-cmp.

Change default mapping

If you want to add/change a mapping in lsp-zero's default, do this.

local lsp = require('lsp-zero').preset({
  name = 'minimal',
  set_lsp_keymaps = true,
  manage_nvim_cmp = true,
  suggest_lsp_servers = false,

local cmp = require('cmp')
local cmp_action = require('lsp-zero').cmp_action()

  mapping = lsp.defaults.cmp_mappings({
    ['<C-Space>'] = cmp_action.toggle_completion(),
    ['<C-e>'] = cmp.mapping.abort(),


Disable a mapping

Just like before we are going to use lsp.defaults.cmp_mappings, but now to disable the mapping we use vim.NIL.

Here is an example that disables tab to autocomplete, and also disables Enter to confirm.

local lsp = require('lsp-zero').preset({
  name = 'minimal',
  set_lsp_keymaps = true,
  manage_nvim_cmp = true,
  suggest_lsp_servers = false,

local cmp = require('cmp')

  mapping = lsp.defaults.cmp_mappings({
    ['<C-Space>'] = cmp.mapping.complete(),
    ['<Tab>'] = vim.NIL,
    ['<S-Tab>'] = vim.NIL,
    ['<CR>'] = vim.NIL,



friendly-snippets is the plugin that provides the snippets. And luasnip is the "snippet engine", the thing that expands the snippet and allows you to navigate between snippet placeholders.

Both friendly-snippets and luasnip are optional. But nvim-cmp will give you a warning if you don't setup a snippet engine. If you don't use luasnip then configure a different snippet engine.

How to disable snippets?

If you already have it all setup then uninstall friendly-snippets and also cmp_luasnip.

Change to snippets with snipmate syntax

Uninstall friendly-snippets if you have it. Use onza/vim-snippets. Then add the luasnip loader somewhere in your config.


Don't preselect first match

For those who want to use the Enter key freely.

  preselect = 'none',
  completion = {
    completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noinsert,noselect'

Configure a source

There is no good way to add/change/delete a source, there is an ugly way. What you need to do is use .setup_nvim_cmp() and paste the defaults right back in the sources option.

  sources = {
    {name = 'path'},
    {name = 'nvim_lsp'},
    {name = 'buffer', keyword_length = 3},
    {name = 'luasnip', keyword_length = 2},

Once you have this in your config you can manipulate them in any way you see fit.

Trigger completions menu manually

Set the completion.autocomplete option to false.

  completion = {autocomplete = false},

Add borders to completion menu

For this you can't use .setup_nvim_cmp(). You'll have to disable the setting manage_nvim_cmp. After that use .defaults.cmp_config() to extend/change lsp-zero's default.

local lsp = require('lsp-zero').preset({
  name = 'minimal',
  set_lsp_keymaps = true,
  manage_nvim_cmp = false,


vim.opt.completeopt = {'menu', 'menuone', 'noselect'}

local cmp = require('cmp')
local cmp_config = lsp.defaults.cmp_config({
  window = {
    completion = cmp.config.window.bordered()


Why do I make you do this? I would like to get rid of .setup_nvim_cmp() in the future, so any chance I can get to make you stop using it I'll take it. But why? Y'all seem to enjoy customizing nvim-cmp, so the purpose I had for .setup_nvim_cmp() is now obsolete. Is okay because you can still use nvim-cmp directly and add lsp-zero's defaults if you want.