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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I display error messages?

If you press gl on a line with errors (or warnings) a popup window will show up, it will tell you every "diagnostic" on that line.

Some of the default keybindings for LSP don't work, what do I do?

By default lsp-zero will not override a keybinding if it's already "taken". Maybe you or another plugin are already using these keybindings. What you can do is modify the option set_lsp_keymaps so lsp-zero can force its keybindings.

set_lsp_keymaps = {preserve_mappings = false},

How do I get rid warnings in my neovim lua config?

lsp-zero has a function that will configure the lua language server for you: nvim_workspace

How do I stop icons from moving my screen?

That's neovim's default behavior. Modify the option signcolumn, set it to "yes".

If you use lua.

vim.opt.signcolumn = 'yes'

If you use vimscript.

set signcolumn=yes

The function .setup_nvim_cmp is not taking any effect, what do I do?

nvim-cmp is tricky. First check Advance usage - customize nvim-cmp, the solution you want might be there.

If the settings you want to modify are not supported by .setup_nvim_cmp() then follow this example: The current api is not enough?

How about adding an option to setup_nv..?

I don't want to add anything to that function.